Transition services and secondary education

Kelli Thuli Crane has substantive knowledge in the development and implementation of transition-related strategies to improve post-school outcomes for transition age youth with disabilities. She is currently directing a random control trial funded by the US Department of Education on work-based learning initiatives for students with disabilities.  She brings two decades of experience serving in significant leadership roles on several highly visible research and model demonstration projects for OSERS, SSA, and NIDILRR, including serving as the co-principal investigator for the Maryland PROMISE from 2016.


In 1996, Kelli completed her Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in vocational special needs education.  She received masters from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in rehabilitation psychology and graduated with high honors from University of Wisconsin-Stout with a bachelor’s degree in vocational rehabilitation and secondary special education. Early in her career she worked as a transition specialist for an urban school district. 

Book Chapters

Luecking, R, & Crane, K. T. (2020). Recognizing work experiences as indispensable transition tools. In Luecking, R. The way to work: How to facilitate work experiences for youth in transition, 2nd edition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.

Luecking, R, & Crane, K. T. (2020). Connecting with professional and agency partners to foster and sustain work success. In Luecking, R. The way to work: How to facilitate work experiences

Refereed Journals Articles

Walters, C., Plotner, A. & Crane, K. (2024). Investigating trends in the youth transition service delivery and consumer demographics of Centers for Independent Living. Advance online publication. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Crane, K.T., Allison, R, Tulikangas, R. & Guy, B. (in press). Work-based learning: An on-ramp to career and college readinessJournal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Crane, K.T., Gramlich, M., Luecking, R. G., Gold, P. B., & Morris, T. (2021). Staff Capacity Building and Accountability in Transition Services. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals44(2), 89–96. 

Crane, K. & Harvey, M.P. (September 2019). Promising practice brief: Collaborative strategies for improved transition. College Park, MD: Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Luecking, R. G., Crane, K. T., Gingerich, J. A., & Morris, T. R. (2019). Intervention fidelity in a large scale model demonstration project: Lessons from Maryland PROMISE. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation51(2), 235–242. 

Crane, K. T., Gold, P. B., Brodock, A., Fabian, E. S., & Morris, T. R. (2019). Engaging and retaining youth SSI recipients in a research demonstration program: Maryland PROMISE. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation,&²Ô²ú²õ±è;137–144.&²Ô²ú²õ±è;

Gold, P. B., Crane, K. T., Fabian, E. S., & Morris, T. R. (2019). Strategies for recruiting participants into randomized controlled trials: A cross-program profile of the PROMISE demonstration program. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation51(2), 243–252. 

Luecking, R., Crane, K., Gingrich, J. & Morris, T. (2019). Intervention fidelity in a large scale model demonstration project: Lessons from Maryland PROMISE. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.

 Fraker, T., Crane, K., Honeycutt, T., Luecking, R., Mamun, A., & O’Day, B. (2018). The Youth Transition Demonstration Project in Miami, Florida: Design, Implementation, and 3-Year Impacts. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 48, 79-91.

Thuli, K. (1998). An interview with Eugene Lehrmann. Journal of Vocational Special Needs Education, 20 (3).

Lynch, R. T., Thuli, K., & Groombridge, L. (1994). Person-first disability language:  A pilot analysis of public perceptions. Journal of Rehabilitation, 60 (2), 18-22.

Research Papers

Crane, K., Mitchell, N., Gramlich, M. & Faizan, A. (June 2021). Moving Maryland Forward: Preparing Transition Professionals for the 21st Century. Prepared for Maryland State Department of Education.

Gingerich, J.A. & Crane, K.T. (April 30, 2021). Transition Linkage Tool: A Systemic Approach to Enhance Postschool Employment Outcomes. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor.

Gold, P., Fabian, E., Brodock, A., Morris, T., Crane, K., & Gramlich, M. (2018). The effect of competency-based training on staff performance and retention in Maryland PROMISE. Maryland Department of Disabilities.

Honeycutt, T., Wittenburg, D., Crane, K., Levere, M., Luecking, R. Stapleton, D. (2018). SSI Youth Formative Research Project: Considerations for Identifying Promising and Testable Interventions. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc, report submitted to U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Crane, K., Luecking, R., Honneycutt, T., & Palmer, S. (2018). SSI Youth Recipient and Employment Transition Formative Research Project Community of Practice: Organizational Features and Lessons Learned. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc, report submitted to U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Luecking, R., Fabian, E., & Crane, K. (2018). Maryland PROMISE fidelity report. Baltimore, MD: Maryland Department of Disabilities.

Professional Publications

Enayati, H., Crane, K. T., Karakus, M., Hebbar, L., Paradis, A., Dohrn, B.  (2024).  Equitable Transition Models Demonstration Evaluation: Literature Review and Knowledge Summary. Rockville, MD: Abt Associates.

Crane, K.T. & Allison, R. (August 2021). Lessons Learned: An Analysis of Youth Team Feedback on the LLC Intervention. College Park, MD: Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Crane, K. & Harvey, M.P. (September 2019). Promising practice brief: Collaborative strategies for improved transition. College Park, MD: Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Crane, K., Gold, P., Fabian, E., & Hackey, D. (June 2019). Evaluation brief: Engaging youth in transition services. College Park, MD: Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Gramlich, M. & Crane, K. (June 2019). Promising practice brief: Delivering community-based services: strategies for managing field-based transition staff. College Park, MD. Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Crane, K. & Gingerich, J. (March 2019). Promising practice brief: Understanding work incentives. College Park, MD. Center for Transition and Career Innovation.

Crane, K. & Gramlich, M. (February 2019). Promising practice brief: work experience for youth with disabilities. College Park, MD. Center for Transition and Career Innovation. 

Crane, K., Allison, R., Hyatt, J.,& Luecking, R. (2016). Seamless transition toolkit. Center on Transition to Employment, Rockville, MD: TransCen, Inc. 

Crane, K., Palmer, S., & Honeycutt, T. (November 2018). Youth Transition to Employment: Creating and Using a Community of Practice to Generate New Knowledge. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.

Honeycutt, T., Wittenburg, D., Crane, K., Levere, M., Luecking, R. & Stapleton, D. (October, 2018). SSI Youth Formative Research Project: Considerations for Identifying Promising and Testable Interventions. Washington, DC: Mathematic Policy Research.

Honeycutt, T., Wittenburg, D. Luecking, R., Crane, K. & Mann D. R. (September 2018). The Transition to Employment: Better Data Needed to Identify Best Practices for Youth SSI Recipients. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.

Crane, K., Luecking, R., Honeycutt, T., & Palmer, S. (September 2018). SSI Youth Recipient and Employment Transition Formative Research Project: Community of Practice: Organizational Features and Lessons Learned. Washington, DC: Mathematic Policy Research.

Crane, K., Allison, R, & McGee, C. (2018). Resource Mapping and Flow of Services Guide. Charlotte, NC: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition.

Luecking, R., Fabian, E., & Crane, K. (2018). Maryland PROMISE Fidelity Report. Baltimore, MD: Maryland Department of Disabilities

Crane, K., Allison, R., Luecking, R. & Hyatt, J. (2016). Seamless transition toolkit. Rockville, MD: Center on Transition to Employment, TransCen, Inc.

Crane, K. (2014). A Contemporary View of Strategies for Optimal Employment Outcomes for Youth in Transition. APSE Newsletter.

Crane, K. & Mooney, M. (2005). Community resource mapping: A NCSET essential tool. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition essential tool. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

Crane, K. & Mooney, M. (2004). Community resource mapping. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Information Brief, 2 (2). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

 Crane, K., Gramlich, M. & Peterson, K. (2004). Putting interagency agreements into action. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Information Brief, 3 (2). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

Gramlich, M., Crane, K., Peterson, K, & Stenhjem, P. (2003). Work-based learning and future employment for youth: A guide for parents and guardians. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Information Brief, 2 (2). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

Crane, K. & Skinner, B. (2002). Community resource mapping: A strategy for promoting successful transition for youth disabilities. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Information Brief, 2 (1). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

Crane, K. & Luecking, R. (2002). Addressing the transition needs of youth with disabilities through the WIA system. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Information Brief, 1 (6). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

Mooney, M. & Crane, K. (2002). Connecting employers, schools, and youth through intermediaries. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Issue Brief, 1 (3). Minneapolis, MN:  University of Minnesota.

Thuli, K. & Honge, E. (1998). Employer toolkit:  Involving employers in school to work activities. Washington, DC:  Academy for Educational Development.

Thuli, K. & Horne, R. (1998). A transition resource guide for parents, practitioners, and youth with disabilities. Washington, DC: Academy for Educational Development. 

Horne, R. & Thuli, K. (1997). Ideas and strategies for including youth with disabilities in school to work programs. Washington, DC: Academy for Educational Development.

Thuli, K. (1996). Access to success: Strategies for serving special populations in tech prep programs. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.

Thuli, K.J., Phelps, B.R. (Eds.) Gugerty, J.J. & Tindall, L.W. (1994). ADAlliances to educate and employ people with disabilities: A handbook for employers, instructors, and teacher educators. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, Center on Education and Work.

Thuli, K. (1996). Access to success: Strategies for serving special populations in tech prep programs. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.

Thuli, K.J., Phelps, B.R. (Eds.) Gugerty, J.J. & Tindall, L.W. (1994). ADAlliances to educate and employ people with disabilities: A handbook for employers, instructors, and teacher educators. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, Center on Education and Work.

(*indicates author; +indicates contributor)

*2024-2028     Disability Innovative Fund funded by U.S. Department of Education.  The Leveraging Interagency Networks for Knowledge-sharing to Develop a 21st Century Workforce of Youth with Disabilities (LINK) project is in partnership with Maryland Maryland Department of Disabilities, the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services, and the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration to develop, pilot, and evaluate the Linkage Tool—a digital platform designed to enhance service coordination through student-level data sharing. This innovative interagency tool will allow school personnel and state agencies, including vocational rehabilitation, to seamlessly communicate and exchange transition service data for shared students. ($3.3 million)

 +2024-2028   Disability Innovative Fund funded by U.S. Department of Education. The PRIME Job Retention Program in partnership with University of Wisconsin-Madison aims to address common barriers to job retention and build the capacity of individuals with disabilities to retain and advance in their careers. Short-term outcomes will focus on enhancing Social Cognitive Career Theory-based constructs and improving readiness for self-advocacy, while long-term goals include sustained job retention. CTCI will lead the evaluation of this program's impact. ($1.6 million)

*2023-2028     Connecticut Disability Innovative Fund Grant on Pathways to Partnerships: funding from U.S. Department of Education/Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services to support the Connecticut develop an innovative model of collaboration and partnerships across education and their key partners that promotes the seamless transition from secondary education to college and careers. Subaward from Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services. $3.7 million (*Note: After the award I had to give up the PI role in order to serve as a PI on the national evaluation team.  See award listed below.)


*2023-2028     Maryland Disability Innovative Fund Grant on Pathways to Partnership: Funded by the U.S. Department of Education/Maryland State Department of Education to implement a collaborative innovative systemic model across education and their partners to engage underserved children youth and families in high-quality, coordinated services and supports, ultimately enhancing college and career readiness and promoting their overall well-being. Subaward from Maryland Department of Education. $2.4 million. (*Note: After the award I had to give up the PI role in order to serve on the national evaluation team.  See award listed below.)


*2023-2028     PI. National Program Evaluation Center for the Disability Innovation Fund Grantees. Funded by U.S. Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to the evaluate 20 states that were awarded Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) program. Subaward from Mathematica. $800,000.


+2023-2028    PI. Transition Exploration Demonstration. Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program from the U.S. Social Security Administration to conduct a randomized controlled trial of an employment intervention for youth with disabilities who are transitioning into the adult workforce. Subaward from Mathematica. $291,000 

*2022-2027     PI.Connecticut Pathways to Integrated Employment. Disability Innovation Fund from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration to evaluate interventions that promote employment equity for individuals with significant disabilities. Subcontract from Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitative Services at $6.2 million

*2022-2027     Co-PI (with P. Gold). Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Equity in Employment. Grant award from The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research to conduct an intervention efficacy study of longitudinal employment outcomes of multiply marginalized youth with disabilities who participated in a career progression intervention. Sub-award from Langston University. $512,000 (co-authored proposal)

*2022-2024     Co-PI (with C. Stuart). Pre-employment Transition Services Intake Unit. Contract from the Maryland Department of Education, Department of Rehabilitation to support the pre-employment transition services process. $2 million

*2022-2024     PI. Vermont HireAbility. Contract from Vermont Agency of Human Resource to consultant on the delivery of transition services. $129,869

*2021-2022     Co-PI (with N. Mitchell). Moving Maryland Forward II. Grant from the Maryland State Department of Education to develop a professional development platform for public special educators. $130,000

+2020-2022    Co-PI (with R. Luecking & E. Fabian); 2022-2025 PI. National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative. Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services to provide technical assistance to state education and vocational rehabilitation agencies. Sub-award from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte $2.2 million 

*2020-2021     Co-PI (with N. Mitchell). Moving Maryland Forward. Grant from Maryland State Department of Education to survey Maryland special educators on professional development needs. $154,000 

*2017-2019     Co-PI (with R. Luecking & E. Fabian). Grant funds the Maryland Department of Disabilities to analysis PROMISE data and prepare reports. $1.7 million

2016-2021       Co PI. (Rich Tulikangas Vermont HireAbility) Linking Learning to Careers (LLC). Contract with Vermont HireAbility. $2 million.

+2013-2018    Co-PI (2016-2019) (with C. Beatty, Maryland Department of Disabilities). Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to implement a randomized control trial to promote positive postschool employment outcomes for students receiving Supplemental Security Income. $31 million

*2009-2011     PI. Contract from Grant from the Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation to implement a new transition model. $210,000 

*2012              PIGrant from Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation to develop a transition on-line curriculum. $90,000 

*2006              PI. Contract from the Maryland Department of Disabilities to conduct resource mapping. $24,000

*2003-2005     PI. Contract from Rhode Island Department of Education to conduct resource mapping. $90,000

*2003-2005     PI. Contract from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to support local education agencies align and coordinate services. $100,000

*2001 – 2004  Co-PI (with R. Luecking). Contract from Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to support local education agencies align and coordinate services. $300,000                  

*2000-2006     PI. Contract from Florida Development Disability Council to help local education agencies align and coordinate services. $300,000