Diamondback turtle


The College of Education is 

Terrapin Strong

The College of Education is proud to embrace the of an inclusive environment where every member of our community feels that they belong and are empowered to reach their full potential. We are proud of the work we do related to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Find out more at: /diversity-and-inclusion.

All 'NEW' incoming students, faculty and staff are asked to complete this course within the first month of their time in our community. The course will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Engage in the TerrapinSTRONG ELMS by enrolling here: 
 - for (go.umd.edu/EnrollStaffTS)
 - for  (go.umd.edu/EnrollFacultyTS)

  • TerrapinSTRONG Additional Resources
  • COE Welcome (August 26, 2022)

  • College of Education Ice Cream Social (May 2022) 

TLPL First Generation Event